
  1. Hello teacher, first I wanna give you the thanks to send us that video, because it made me reflect about how the life takes us away things, but is our decision if we stand up and move forward

  2. I thought it was beautiful and thoughtful at the same time, because that boy did not go out at all and locked himself in his reality of videogames making his life very
    lonely, when he received his mother's gift, he did not like it but when he saw that they looked a lot like he did, he understood that he would not be alone anymore.
    Esmeralda Duque 1”D”

  3. It is a very moving message because it gives us to understand that having different capacities does not influence what we can do, it is simply a barrier that needs to be scaled and carried forward with the help of family and frie

  4. This video makes us reflect that we have to be happy and happy and it does not matter if we have disabilities or we lack something and the most important thing is to have our family and share quality moments with them and have the impulse to go out and face the outside world .

  5. good day licensed, first lugra I want to tell you that it is a reflection video, makes reference that we should be grateful for what surrounds us and for what we have, that there is no barrier to success.

  6. In my opinion this video allows us to understand that our differences do not determine what we will be or what we can do. I think the boy just sat and spent his time in video games because maybe he thougt that was the only thing he could do, but when his new friend arrived he showed him that it did not matter if he lacked a leg, he can still play in the playground without problems. His gift was the help he needed to get ahead and not limited himself by turning his weakness into strenght.
    Hally Tituaña

  7. Wow, This video is so beatiful, first rhe dog Are so especial, The boy can't accept This dog, but after all we discover the situation of the boy, but really This video is so special, in This case I accept the dog because is beatiful in unique form, no is ugly,The dog smile to the hard life and This is wonderful

  8. Hello teacher, first I want to say that nobody is better than others, having a disability does not make you less that on the contrary makes you stronger, no one should judge a person because they have it or do not have to rather value it for what it is.
    Madelinne Quisilema

  9. hello teacher this video I found very interesting and especially important because we should not cling to a problem or a disability because that is not a problem but that makes you stronger to overcome all your problems and to be a better person Lessly Flores 1BGU "D"

  10. Hello teacher, I´m Gislaine Guevara in my opinion at the beginning of the video the boy was very cruel despite that he had the same problem of the little dog. This video was very short,but it had a very clear message, we are all equal valuable despite that we have or don´t.
    1BGU ¨D¨


  11. my name is morales matias the video seemed very reflective about what is being done by the interned and the society in our world I believe that friendship is something very important because it makes us see that we are not alone and that they will always support us in everything does not imply the disability that we have

    1. Don't forger the use of capital letters.. and punctuation 9/10 very good.

  12. I really liked the video because it makes me see the acceptance that each one must have with himself and love himself totally
    It's a very nice video, I really liked it
    It made me think a lot, I loved

  13. I like the video because it makes me see how the life can be. I like that the kid stop playing videogames and go to play with his dog, I liked a lot that part. In this video I can see how the actuall situation will improve only if we change our perspective. I liked the video, very emotional ant beautifull

  14. Hello teacher, in my opinion the video was a nice way to reflect and thank you for being in good health, in the video for my way of thinking the child is a closed person at the beginning but upon the arrival of his friend he learned that he should be happy despite of everything.

  15. I like this video because it reflects what we are as people and how yo chance the world
    Att: Raúl Gordón 1ero D

    1. Raul for the next time write a little bit longer.. and develop your idea. Good 8/10

  16. at first I thought it was very bad on the part of the boy to have treated the dog badly, but as he watched the video it seemed very nice on the part of his mother to have given him a pet with the same disability as his son.

  17. Hello teacher, in my opinion I think we are all valuable and incredible because no matter what we have or in the condition that we are the only important thing is our heart and how we use it to make people happy in their good or bad times
    1BGU "D"

  18. Hello, I believe that we as human beings are incredible, because in addition to the material, there is something very valuable called love. We must bear in mind that we are the only important thing is our heart and by this means we use to make others happy in any situation of life. Thank you.

  19. hello, for me this video makes us reflect a lot on life since some people have everything and are not happy many people who for life's reasons lost some part of their body and they fight for a better life and look for the way to keep going despite your situation

    1eto BGU "D"

  20. Hello teacher, I want to thank you for this excellent video. It helped me to reflect on my whole life and to realize that I can do many activities because I do not have a different capacity.
    Thank you very much.
    Elizabeth Oscullo

  21. Thecher can you help me? I put my opinion but I dont see my comentary in this page pleas helpe teacher!!

    1. My opinion for the video is the boy was so sad becaunse he don't have leg but when he see the dog dosen't have leg and the dog is so happy he change his maind and went to the park to play with the dog

  22. 21:43
    good day licensed, first lugra I want to tell you that it is a reflection video, makes reference that we should be grateful for what surrounds us and for what we have, that there is no barrier to success.

  23. I thought it was a good video to reflect a lot and know how to accept people as they are, with defects and virtues since they are also human beings and do not let themselves be carried away by appearances.


  24. This video is about how people judge others by their appearance by how they look and do not accept them as they are until after knowing them


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